Contexte et Objectifs de la spécialité

The purpose of this second-year M2 specialty program of the Master of Sciences for Environmental Challenges is to give students a thorough knowledge of the laws and interactions governing the evolution of our natural environment at local and regional scales to prepare them for a successful career in academia or industry.It is expected that graduates of the program will have acquired the skill to design effective, physics-based models to describe different aspects of the environment. They will have learned to critically assess the relevance and validity of different approaches to complex environmental problems. They will be able to determine the proper parameters, develop efficient numerical algorithms and select appropriate measurement techniques relevant to specific impact studies or societal demands. Even more importantly, they will have acquired a sound understanding of environment physics.

In-depth understanding and knowledge of the laws and interactions governing the evolution of our natural environment will positively impact the future of our society. The advancement of this knowledge involves multiple techniques of observation, experimentation, analysis and modelling, covering global, regional and local scales. Following this general framework, the WAPE program presents the dynamical, physical and biochemical processes driving ocean, atmosphere, air pollution and water cycle at local and regional scales, and their links with the energy production problem. Modern meteorological or oceanographic modelling and forecasting methods are considered. Efficient and innovative observational techniques are also described, studied and tested.

Présentation synthétique

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    Domaines d'expertise

    Météorologie; Phénomènes atmosphériques; Dynamique des fluides géophysiques / Circulation atmosphérique / Circulation océanique; Biogéochimie marine / Océan / Environnement marin; Transferts radiatifs ; Changements d'échelles -local;régional;global; Pollutions / Dépollution; Impacts / Nuisances; Interfaces / Interactions; Economie de l'environnement; Air / Atmosphère; Système Terre / Planète; Hydrologie / Hydrogéologie / Bassin versant; Surfaces continentales et sols; Modélisation / Approches numériques; Observations
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    Compétences acquises

    Comprendre, Connaitre; Chercher, Expérimenter, Analyser, Résoudre; Mesurer, Réaliser, Expertiser; Traiter (données, problème), Programmer, Organiser; Gérer (projet, équipe, problème), Planifier, Rapporter; Communiquer, Synthétiser, Rédiger, Présenter; Conseiller, Accompagner, Recommander; Piloter (projet, équipe), Animer, Coordonner; Développer, Promouvoir; Créer, Concevoir, Améliorer
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    Métiers: chercheur·euse, enseignant·e·s-chercheur·euse; Chef·fe de projet

    En savoir plus sur les métiers

    Secteurs d'activités: Enseignement, Recherche, Activités spécialisées scientifiques et techniques; Services publics administratifs; Conseil et services aux entreprises; Assainissement, gestion et traitement des déchets, Dépollution; Automobile, Aéronautique, Spatial

    Types d'entreprises: Organisme et Laboratoire de recherche (public ou privé); Grande entreprise; Bureau d'études; Agence publique (territoriale ou nationale)
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    Outils et activités marquantes présents dans la formation

    Enseignement en anglais; Stage en laboratoire; Stage en entreprise; Modélisation et approches numériques; Méthodes d'observation
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    Enseignements pratiques

    Liste des enseignements pratiques : Machine learning for climate and energy; Continental hydrology and water resources; Mechanics for wind energy, an introduction; Marine Renewable Energies; An Introduction to Atmospheric Dynamics and Energetics; Introduction to atmospheric composition: from processes to modelling and air quality regulations; Sea States, Wave Propagation, and Ocean Wave Energy; Coastal Hydrodynamics; Radiative Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean; Atmospheric chemistry and air quality: Processes and modelling at urban to global scales; Physical oceanography - Oceanic Circulation; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics - Models and their main properties; Clouds, Aerosols and Precipitations; General Circulation of the Atmosphere and Synoptic Meteorology; Biogeochemical cycles and interactions with the biosphere at global scale; Meso-scale and boundary layer meteorology; Biogeochemical cycles in the ocean ; Personal Research Project; Hydro, wind and marine resources for renewable energy; Climate change and energy transition; Coastal Engineering, Anchoring, and Cables; Field measurement, Observational and Experimental Techniques for atmosphere and ocean; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics - Principal dynamical phenomena at large and medium scales; Principles and Practice of Numerical Modelling; Data Analysis; Introduction to Data Assimilation; Physical oceanography - Oceanic Processes; Meteorology and environment

    Exemple représentatif:
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    Prérequis indispensables et conditions d'inscription

    Prérequis :

    Conditions d'inscription : M1 of the Master of Sciences for Environment Challenges at Ecole Polytechnique.

    Direct admission into the second year M2 is also open for students who already hold a minimum number of 60 ECTS in the field of interest, at graduate level.

Quelques chiffres...

Taux de réussite
Taux d'insertion professionnelle à 18 mois
Taux d'insertion professionnelle à 30 mois
Taux de poursuite d'études (thèse)

Autres informations utiles

Responsable(s) de formation / Contact(s)

Responsable(s) :
Thomas Dubos

Luc Pastur

Secrétariat pédagogique :
Angélique RASIAH

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Investissements d'avenir


Les laboratoires

Le Labex L-IPSL est un regroupement de 8 laboratoires

  • IDES
  • LISA
  • LMD
  • LSCE