Contexte et Objectifs de la spécialité

The marine environment is a precious asset. Oceans and seas cover 71% of the Earth’s surface, provide 99% of the available living space on the planet and contain 90% of our biosphere and with it a large share of global biodiversity.

Indispensable to human life, the marine environment also contributes greatly to economic prosperity, social well-being and quality of life. However, a number of pressures including contamination by nutrients and toxic substances, structural changes to habitats and climate change are threatening biodiversity which is the keystone to ocean health and functioning.

We need to have well-trained people who can understand, evaluate,and investigate the state of the marine environment both as a vast, complex system (general oceanography) as well as through the many disciplines that make up that system (ecology, chemistry, physics, geology, social sciences, economy and statistics).

The International Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (EMBC+) achieves this through a program that focuses on the acquisition of afundamental understanding of the structure and function of marine biodiversity and thetools required for understanding marine patterns and processesand most importantly how to applythis knowledge to theconservation and restoration of the marine environment.

EMBC+ is a 2 years master program offered by a consortium of 6 European universities.

Informations utiles

Co-habilitations et Partenariats

Sorbonne Université, Ghent University, University of Bremen, University of the Algrave, University of Oviedo, University of Klaipèda, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology.

A network of over 30 partners

Responsable(s) de formation / Contact(s)

Responsable(s) :
Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Guarini (Sorbonne Université)

Secrétariat pédagogique : EMBC Coordination Office
International MSc in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation
Biology Department (WE11), Ghent University
Marine Biology Research group
Krijgslaan 281/S8, Belgium
Phone: +32 9 264 85 29
Fax: +32 9 264 85 98

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Investissements d'avenir


Les laboratoires

Le Labex L-IPSL est un regroupement de 8 laboratoires

  • IDES
  • LISA
  • LMD
  • LSCE